Publishing Terms

Okay. You have dictionaries and then you have dictionaries. But have you ever heard of a publishing dictionary? I had not until I came across this blog that is really cool. For instance, do you know what the acronym AAR stands for? How about ARCs? How about Galleys? Options? These are just a few of the acronyms and publishing terms that BookEnds, LLC – A Literary Agency (Primary Agents: Jessica Faust, Kim Lionetti, and Jessica Alvarez) define on the agency’s blog, which is a great resource for writers. 

By the way, ARCs’ definition on this blog: : “Advance Review Copies. Not the final book. These are advance and unfinalized copies of the book that are sent out to reviewers.”

River Walk
“With a first novel, don’t send a query letter to agents or editors until the work is complete and revised. You need to be able to demonstrate that you are capable of finishing a novel.” – Writing Tip from Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner