Writing Tips

I know. I know. You might say this is very basic info. But for those who might just be starting on a writing career, you might want to check out former literary agent and now author Nathan Bransford’s post as to how to format an e-mail query letter. And while you’re at it, here’s another linkon the same blog on how to format your manuscript before you submit.
For more writing tips, go to: The 4 Traits of Successful Children’s Book Writers by Laura Backes on the Children’s Fiction Factor blog. I especially like the section where she writes: “Well-published authors don’t limit themselves to one genre. They’ll write picture books, novels, short stories for magazines, poetry, nonfiction, and material for adult markets such as parenting magazines or writing newsletters.”
I’ve written and had published picture books, short stories, magazine articles, newsletters, and poetry. I am presently working on some middle-grade novels as well so I hope I’m on my way. So embrace your writing, believe in yourself, and keep writing!  
Texas Highway
Genre: Refers either to a general classification of writing, such as the novel or the poem, or to the categories within those classifications, such as the romance novel or the sonnet.–Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner