Helpful tips for writers

If you write for children, you must visit the Rachelle Burk’s Resources for Children’s Writers blog. It is on the Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites list for writers. Ms. Burk has helpful writing tips on the following: Improve your Writing, Get Published, Find an Agent, Join a Critique Group, Network. Wow! And the list goes on. She provides links to other articles that are very helpful to writers, whether you are just starting or are already an accomplished writer. This blog is extremely helpful for writers.



Be sure to enter the latest Institute of Children’s Literature Early Reader Mystery writing contest. The deadline is July 18 so get that submission in soon. You can do it! I entered one of their contests last year and WON the Grand Prize!! See? So get to work. Visit the above link for the submission guidelines.

“You have to write your way to [your unique] voice, write past all the other writers you’ve read, absorbed, and loved. Write so much that you get them out of your system. Though there will be traces of them there. And once you’ve gotten past them, these silent teachers who inspired you, you may start to find your own true voice. — Bruce Coville (quote on ICL newsletter, June 2015)