Well, what a disappointment. It did not snow after all. It just got mighty cold! Back in 2007, we didn’t have snow, but we did have ICE! Back to poetry. I thought this bit of advice from published poet and poetry editor Shaindel Beers is helpful.
(Excerpt from online poetry niche page of Writer’s Digest WritersMarket.com – Market Watch article)
Los Bloguitos
“Touch magic — pass it on.” –Jane Yolen
“Surprise is what keeps readers turning the pages and writers filling them up.” – James Howe
“Nothing one ever experiences or feels is wasted.” — Lynne Reid Banks
Book Festival for Children
Book titles
“Never try to chase trends. Write what you love, and write the best book you can, and worry about publication later.” – Writing tip from Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner
“If a writer isn’t a reader, he’s in the wrong profession.” – Marion Dane Bauer