Latin@s in Kid Lit is a website listing multicultural books and much more. Their Mission/Vision:
· engage with works about, for, and/or by Latin@s;
· offer a broad forum on Latin@ children’s, MG, and YA books;
· promote literacy and the love of books within the Latin@ community;
· examine the historical and contemporary state of Latin@ characters;
· encourage interest in Latin@ children’s, MG, and YA literature among non-Latin@ readers;
· share perspectives and resources that can be of use to writers, authors, illustrators, librarians, parents, teachers, scholars, and other stakeholders in literacy and publishing.
Yesterday the Southwest SCBWI chapter held its annual Holiday Schmooze. We all had a fun time, snacking and talking about books, what else? One of our members was kind enough to host the party at her lovely home. If you are a writer or an illustrator and haven’t yet joined the SCBWI in your area, you should. There are so many benefits to being part of this great organization. Find out what SCBWI can do for you.
Reprint rights: Permission to print an already published work whose first rights have been sold to another magazine or book publisher. — Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market