F&Gs;: Folded and gathered sheets. An early, not-yet-bound copy of a picture book.—Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market
Make Every Word Count
Words have power. As writers, we know that. So when writing, we need to make sure we use our words wisely. On the Highights Foundation Workshop blog, Writers on the Move, Patti Lee Gauch, former editorial director at Philomel, posted some rich details such as “ … to write with simplicity we must use concrete words; concrete nouns. Be specific. Use words wisely. Understand what particular means. Objects have great value, such as a woman wearing the same hat.”
And on the same post, Newbery award-winning author, Linda Sue Park, writes about “… analyzing each and every word. Every word has to work hard. A noun that appears in the first part of the book is not a force unless it is repeated at the end.”
On the Publishers Weekly blog, this post, “Inside Stories About Memorable Books” is about interviews conducted with twenty prominent editors talking about their memory of a “personally meaningful children’s book project” they worked on. It’s an insightful read.