About Lupe Ruiz-Flores

Children's Book Author

Travel Journal

You know what’s nice about keeping a journal? You can go back and reminisce. Here’s an excerpt from the journal I kept while traveling in Italy a while back.

Florence, Italy. The architecture of the buildings here is unbelievable. The streets are narrow – so narrow in some places that upon our arrival in Florence, the chartered bus could not maneuver its way through the street leading to our hotel. We all got off the bus several blocks away and pulled our luggage through the streets of Florence to our hotel. It was hilarious. A group of thirty-three people lugging their suitcases on the cobbled streets of Florence. We were quite a sight!



The hotel was a four-star one and elegant. We had a three-course dinner in the dining room where silver and china sparkled on the white-clothed tables. Of course, there was wine. Dessert was scrumptious. Some awesome pastry with strawberries and cream. My room had a balcony, although it was just for show. All night long until the wee hours of the morning, the streets below were filled with people talking and laughing as they walked by.




After breakfast the next day, we walked several blocks to a magnificent cathedral (one of many) where we celebrated Mass. It was raining and we tried to avoid puddles of water on the worn cobbled streets. We must have looked like little ducks waddling in line to some destination. Parts of the church were under renovation so we made our way through some scaffolding on the outside and inside. Some fading frescoes are still on the walls of the church. The pews and kneelers, of course, are not padded.

Later that afternoon, we visited a monastery along with hundreds of other tourists. It was cold, windy and rainy. I am glad I brought that woolen black shawl that makes me look like an old lady but shields me from the cold. Lucky for me that I brought my umbrella as well. Chinese girls (vendors) were all over the streets of Florence. They were selling silk scarves, some made in Rome, I guess because the word “Roma” was etched across the scarves. I wondered where these mostly young Chinese girls with the porcelain complexions lived in Florence. They looped the scarves over their arms, covering them with clear plastic to protect them from the rain. Dressed in loose silk pants and colorful quilted jackets, they looked like dolls. Mostly girls, but I did see some young Chinese men hawking umbrellas.

After dinner, we walked through St. Mark’s Square. It looked eerie at night, the giant statues of David, Hercules, Neptune and others looming over us as we walked by. Earlier that day, we had lunch in one of the cafeterias lining the square. We paid for everything in Euros.

Until next time, have a great writing day!

Emotion in characters

Do you have trouble coming up with words to describe emotion from your character? I know I do. On the blog, Writers Helping Writers, there’s a brief post on Showing Emotion: Moving Beyond The Face. The article by Angela Ackman poses the question: “The face is the first thing we notice in real life, and the focal point during any conversation. We connect to a person’s gaze, paying attention to how their eyes widen, squint, focus inward or dart. We also watch their mouth, noting lip presses, teeth flashes, frowns, smiles and pursed lips. Eyebrow lifts, the forehead crinkling and relaxing…each facial micro movement is a message, a clue to what the person is thinking and feeling. So if we focus on face-reading in real life, should we then center description on it when trying to convey our character’s emotion?”

Read on to find out.


I am currently attending a three-day poetry workshop, which I am really enjoying. I’m hoping to go back and revisit a collection of poems I’ve written over the years but haven’t really done anything with them. Sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zone and try something new. Wish me luck!

“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years.” To read is to voyage through time.” ~ Carl Sagan

Writing Success?

What would you call “writing success?” I guess those two words mean different things to different people. I found the blog post, “A Ramble: The Elements of Writerly Talent and Improvement, by editor Brooklyn Arden a great read. She addresses the questions: “How much of writing success is talent, how much perseverance, how much conscious education in craft?”

What is your definition of writing success?


The Institute of Children’s Literature is sponsoring an Early Reader Mystery writing contest. The deadline is July 18, 2015. Take a leap of faith and send in that story that you’ve written. Last year, I submitted to them a short story that I had filed away for ages. Guess what? I won first place! You can too!

Genre: Refers either to a general classification of writing, such as the novel or the poem, or to the categories within those classifications, such as the romance novel or the sonnet. – Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner

Budding Authors

I met a wonderful group of young writers who just finished writing an anthology, “Capture.” These are middle grade students at Rhodes Middle School. I’ve been reading some of their short stories and poems and am very impressed. They are budding authors!! What makes it even nicer for me is that Rhodes is the middle school that I attended way back when. It was great being there again. All the credit goes to Ms. Sheryl Lew, ELA Instructional Coach, who was instrumental in guiding the students in this creative writing project.

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Latino Children’s Summer Reading Program

Sign your children up for the third annual Latino Children’s Summer Reading Program, which starts on June 1. It is sponsored by Latinas for Latinos Lit. Two of my bilingual picture books are included in this awesome program—Alicia’s Fruity Drinks under the Food Theme and Lupita’s First Dance under the Music Theme. Register now. It is free. http://latinas4latinolit.org/reading/

Alicia's Fruity Drinks

The program:

“FOR FAMILIES: Designed specifically for Latino families, our 10-week summer programs are infused with cultural images and themes. You’ll find our suggestions for wonderful Latino children’s literature, as well as literacy activities to develop your child or student’s reading and writing skills.”


“GROUP PARTICIPANTS: This year, we’re excited to announce that groups can participate for free, too! Registration opens on May 1st and it’s simple. Just register your group below and you’ll receive an official Group Number that you can share with your students. They enter that number when they sign up online (at home) and then all their information will be tracked. You’ll be able to know what books they’ve read over the summer and more depending on which program you assign them.”

“Writing is a pleasure, and I feel that if I did not enjoy writing, no one would enjoy reading my books.” — Beverly Cleary

Stories to Our Children/Historias Para Nuestros Hijos

Yesterday, I was a guest speaker at UT Arlington Library where the topic was, “Stories To Our Children/Historias Para Nuestros Hijos.” I was to inspire the parents in the audience to write their own stories, but I feel they inspired me more. Some of them have participated in this awesome program before and had written their stories, which were then bound into beautiful books. With an imprint of their thumbs, many pledged to write more stories in the future. I did as well. Congratulations to Ivonne Kieffer, Yulianna Aceves, Alicia Rueda Acedo, and Sarai Suarez and the UT student volunteers for making this all possible. And special thanks to Miranda Want for transporting me around.

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My Interview On WordMothers blog

I am honored to have been interviewed on the WordMothers blog, which is “dedicated to showcasing women’s work in the literary arts around the world.”


Are you about to start your Great American Novel and are overwhelmed by the word count? Try reading this very brief article on the Dear Editor blog that addresses this topic. Some of the advice: “Pledge not to count words until you type THE END on the final scene. Do not set word count goals for your writing sessions.” Read on.

If you love to read but sometimes cannot find the time, go to the Publishers Weekly blog on “How To Become a Better Reader in 10 Steps” by author Gretchen Rubin. She offers ten excellent tips on this topic.

A fellow writer cross-stitched this lovely piece for me.

El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros

Yesterday I helped celebrate El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros by doing three school visits here in San Antonio. The first was at Schulze Elementary; the second was at Adams Elementary and the third one was at Patrick Heath Library in Boerne. The library sponsored a picnic-like event and free books were given to the children at the end of the celebration. Fun, fun day!!

Here is a link to El Dia’s founder, author Pat Mora.

Dia SignAdamsHeath



2015 TLA Conference

I attended the 2015 Texas Library Association (TLA) conference in Austin, Texas, two days ago. There were authors, editors, publishers, and illustrators from all over the nation. Hundreds of librarians attended the sessions and met authors, bought books, took pictures, and just had a good time. The energy in the place was awesome with so many book lovers present. Here I am pictured with a snazzy car from DinoBuddies.com.


Here’s an interesting article from the Writer’s Digest blog from an interview of Erin Entrada Kelly by Adrienne Crezo. Kelly starts by asking, “Are you a routine-less writer? If so, consider these tips.”

“Never stop writing—even if in your head. When you’re not writing with pen and paper, write with brain and imagination.

Don’t out-talk your ideas. Routine-less writers are prone to share their Great Ideas with anyone who will listen …  it’s better to share less and plan more.”

For more, read the brief article with excellent writing tips.

2015 San Antonio Book Festival

Despite the drizzle, we had a wonderful turnout at the third annual San Antonio Book Festival. Hundreds of children enjoyed storytelling by local and out-of-town authors. There were panels, author signings, free gifts, and a huge selection of books, books, books. I met the beautiful, famous author Denise Chavez, the former columnist for the SA Express-News, Cary Clark, and the mayor of San Antonio, Ms. Ivy Taylor. What a day!

Author with Denise Chavez!

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